full of FIGJAM

Posted by Shannon Marie
Somewhere between Operations Management, Accounting, and Six Sigma higher learning -- let's not forget a new career, chock full o' the things -- I seem to have filled my wee little head with so(ooo) many acronyms I often have a hard time remembering the easy ones. You know, the ones that you see all the time and every time you see them: you draw a blank? My main culprit? The HOV lane. Yes, the far left lane of many a highway designed to advocate carpooling. High -- got it -- then the hard part, Octane? -- darn, wrong again. My over-acronym(ed) brain just can't remember the O -- it's Occupancy for those of you who didn't know (or can't remember, like me!). High Occupancy Vehicle. You get to fly by the traffic in the other lanes, I'd assume is the point, in exchange for putting up with the passengers who have agreed (however reluctantly) to travel with you each day. What you do when you have to get across all the other lanes of traffic -- that have watched you flying by them -- to take your exit? Not so sure. I just know what it stands for -- High Oct, shoot.

'Tis the world we live in, I suppose, a world where fast food is (hopefully was) the standard and we can't get -- or say -- anything fast enough. In most cases, I'd agree that our advances are for the greater good. Acronym(ing) everything? Not so positive 'bout that one.

So, I'll leave you with my new favorite -- when I can remember it --

FIGJAM: Flip I'm Good, Just Ask Me.

And these lovely little things -- explanation to come.

CK remini cutaway platform shoe

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