twelve weeks and counting

Posted by Shannon Marie
It's pretty amazing how quickly life can change. Quite astonishing, actually. One day you are reading your InStyle magazine deciding what new trends to follow (or not) for the coming season and the next you are lamenting over the inevitable shopping that is to come -- not because you are ready to tackle that list -- no, no. But rather, because the lovely little Peanut you have recently begun toting around has threatened to rip you out of your current wardrobe faster than a pregnant lady rips into a box/bag/container of your choice of whatever it is that she can finally keep down.

Such is life these days. It may not have been the smoothest ride thus far, but I wouldn't get off and wait in line for another if you paid me. Husband and I are in this one (wholeheartedly) all the way and couldn't be happier.

So, it looks like I'll be oogling a lot less of...

and a little more of...

And drinking a lot more juice "cocktails." And searching for a vehicle that a carseat can (safely) go in. And bridging the gap between "corporate professional dress" and "I would really rather wear PJs all day." And sleeping as much as possible before January. And a host of other things that we couldn't be more excited for!

But, don't think I'm not still sporting that same shoe collection. I am. Proudly and pregnant-ly.


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