hiccup, hiccup

Posted by Shannon Marie
Amid all the nursery readiness (read chaos) that abounds in our household these days, it seems as if little man has developed a case of the daily (read multiple times a day) hiccups. His little nudges (read soccer goal kicks) are also getting ever so much stronger with each passing day. He hasn't exactly adjusted to my sleep schedule yet, seeing as he likes to be most active around 11pm, which means just as Mama enters that wonderful first period of REM sleep, Harper fights back. Ok, ok, so apparently I haven't adjusted to his sleep schedule yet...wasn't sure if I could slip that one by (wishful thinking never hurt anyone).

With each passing week (each day, really), I grow (quite literally, just ask my clothing, it's fighting back, too) more and more excited about meeting our little guy. It's hard to believe it's less than 4 months away -- FOUR -- man, how time flies when you are having serious back pain, trouble sleeping, the craziest dreams imaginable (you really couldn't even imagine them), insane cravings for sweet tea (and a new repulsion to water, yes, water -- heartburn doesn't discriminate), and peeing far more frequently than you'd think is humanly possible fun!

On the nursery front, the bedding is in! It looks even more precious in person. Adorable. Simply adorable. (I reserve the right to use "girly" type phrases to describe said son's bedding -- and any other nursery item -- since he is still a baby after all, realizing that I should probably use something like adorably masculine, but that just sounds silly, doesn't it?). I have managed to avoid the explosion of creature paraphernalia they like to call nursery bedding and decor these days, and opted for a much more modern looking approach. After all, why on earth would you only want your child to learn one animal? Monkey blanket and sheets, monkey bumper, monkey curtains, monkey rug, monkey lamp, monkey, monkey, monkey -- no, thanks. It's made things a bit more challenging, since we can't exactly go to the store, pick out our animal of choice, and poof, nursery is decorated, but it's made it that much more exciting (and creative) (and story worthy), so I'll stick with my plan.

I have found one little charmer, though, and realized a new found affection for owls, so I suppose I am not completely opposed to animals in the nursery, just not on every surface...

And, the clothes -- and hats, oh, the hats. He will be nothing if not a stylin' little boy.

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the truth

Posted by Shannon Marie
As amazing as pregnancy truly is, it would be a complete falsification to pretend as if there are certain things about it which are less than ideal. Husband and I are very fortunate to be able to say that the ups by far surpass the downs, since things have been so smooth thus far. But, for those of you wondering how these crazy pregnant women running around seemingly only talking about maternity wear (and the lack of options), breastfeeding, nursery decor, childcare, and how often they pee can actually truly be that happy (it's kind of crazy, because I really am that happy), here are a few of the things I have been missing...

  • Good sleep and cuddling -- the truth is I'm enough of a heater; I don't need to cuddle with one...
  • How easy it once was to do something simple like get in and out of the car -- even at 5 months, I notice my muscles and back singing a much different tune than my brain...

And, as little as I really craved alcohol pre-pregnancy, there's just no denying how good some of my favorites truly are. Like:

  • Seviche's mango caipirinha (pronounced caipirinha? I still have no clue, so I usually just point and say "cuh...that one")
  • El Mundo's mojito
  • A crisp glass of white wine, with
  • Sushi -- the really raw kind

Not a thing on the list compares to the joy I experience every day when I feel my little guy swimming around, but I'm nothing if not honest. Pregnancy will do that to you...whether you want it to or not...

You just may find yourself talking to a complete stranger about maternity wear (and the lack of options), breastfeeding, nursery decor, childcare, and how often you pee -- the good, bad, and indifferent -- just wait...


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the nursery

Posted by Shannon Marie
Husband and I had a bit of a conundrum when it came to the whole finding a place to put the baby after realizing we were having said baby issue. We had 2 whole floors of our house relatively (read completely, relatively just sounds better) unused. Stella and the junk that we have amassed enjoyed the upstairs occasionally (the former occasionally, the latter always). This wouldn't have been such a dilemma had the walls not been completely covered in wood grain (looking, of course not real wood) paneling, floors not been covered in carpet that had seen better days, and the entire room covered in said junk. So off to renovation land we went. I'll spare you the truly before pictures, since I'm really just too embarrassed to admit I let it look that way...

While it may not look like much yet, it's already come miles and miles and I couldn't be happier about it. My nasal passages will certainly be relieved from drywall dust and I get to decide how to accessorize this lovely little (first) find for the nursery.

Rye Crib Bedding

We have decided to splurge on only a few items in the nursery and this is decidedly one of them, but alas I fell in love, and it took mere seconds to imagine an entire room designed after it, and so the nesting begins...watch out check book (read debit card, do people really write checks these days anyway?)...


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